Mackenzie Davis
Mackenzie Davis

I like to play with ideas and words, no matter the "genre." I could write in any category, as long as I get to play around with the assumed definitions and concepts. If that's how I'd find success, I'd never restrict myself to a handful of niches. But alas...

Poetry is my first love. It arrives in my mind easily, much like images manifest before words do. Then, short fiction. I like literary fiction, or, stories driven by characters rather than plot. Because I start with images, these pieces tend to read poetically; that is my intention.

Apart from creative writing, I fall back on essays. These start from personal experience and cover multiple subjects: art, craft, philosophy, psychology. I overthink but I prefer the process of drawing connections more than I do presenting solid answers. Readers ought to keep thinking beyond the frames of a piece of writing; if one person's argument, if one piece of their mind, satisfies, then something's not working properly. My essays seek to further the question (read: hypothesis).

“When you are describing a shape, or sound, or tint, don’t state the matter plainly, but put it in a hint. And learn to look at all things with a sort of mental squint.” Lewis Carroll

Tips are always appreciated. I also write consistently on Vocal. Find out more here.

All work posted here is owned by Mackenzie Davis.

Mackenzie Davis

Mackenzie Davis

Poet, magical realist, thinker \\ Life bumbler. Social fumbler. Private grumbler. Suspicious of bandwagons.